City Council to receive 2021 Budget Consultation report

Thank you to the 176 engaged participants who took part in our 2021 Budget Consultation. We value your feedback and rely on input from the community to ensure we’re balancing the delivery of services and programs with property taxes, fees, and charges.
City staff presented the 2021 Budget Consultation report at the March 16, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting (Item 3.1). Watch a video recording of the meeting here.
Some key findings from the report include:
More than 70% of respondents identified the following City services as very important:
- Fire Rescue services (77%);
- Water distribution, drainage, and sewer systems (maintenance and upgrades) (75%); and
- Garbage, green waste, recycling, and glass collection (70%).
- 76% of survey respondents indicated that they received good (63%) or excellent (13%) value in relation to the taxes and utility fees that they pay.
- 42% of survey respondents wanted to maintain current service levels through a tax increase.
- 43% of respondents wanted to leave subsidies and user fees the way they are (no change); however 41% wanted to decrease subsidies so users pay more than they do now.
For more information on this consultation, download the full report, review complete survey results, and read all public engagement comments.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2021 Budget Consultation. This project is no longer open for input.