Proposed capital projects
The City has two types of budget expenses: operating and capital. Our operating budget covers spending related to Port Moody’s day-to-day operations. The City’s capital budget funds larger, longer-term projects, mostly related to maintaining, upgrading, and replacing the City’s infrastructure and facilities.
Here are some of the capital projects proposed in the 2021-2025 Draft Financial Plan:
- road rehabilitation projects and planning, e.g. St. Johns Street multi-use pathway, Clarke Street functional design, Ioco Road transportation and mobility study;
- traffic safety projects, e.g. School Traffic Safety Initiative, improvements to street lights, bus stop accessibility improvements;
- sanitary sewer and drainage improvements, e.g. North Shore sanitary sewer rehabilitation phases 1 and 2; Ioco Road low-pressure sanitary siphon and Valve replacement; Inlet Centre integrated stormwater management planning;
- water infrastructure projects, e.g. Chestnut Reservoir seismic upgrade, fire hydrant improvements, Glenayre/Seaview/College Park water system rehabilitation;
- facilities maintenance projects and planning, e.g. Old Orchard Hall balcony replacement and envelope repairs, Public Safety Building geothermal heat pump replacement, Westhill childcare facility, seniors’ centre feasibility study;
- trail, park, and playground rehabilitation, e.g. Inlet Trail boardwalk and pedestrian bridge reconstruction, Rocky Point Park Master Plan review, paving of Shoreline Trail bike path (North Shore in coordination with sanitary sewer project), Tree Protection Bylaw update;
- and climate change response, e.g. climate resilient landscaping, extreme weather response plan, zero emissions plan for new and existing buildings.
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Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2021 Budget Consultation. This project is no longer open for input.