Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP)

    ISMPs are comprehensive studies that examine the linkages between drainage servicing, land use planning, and environmental protection, and provide an action plan to direct future activities such as stormwater utility improvements. Their purpose is to support the growth of a community in a way that maintains, or enhances, the overall health of a watershed.

    Overland route

    The routes taken by stormwater when the man-made drainage network is at capacity.


    The draining away of water that occurs when there is more water than the land can absorb.

    Receiving water body

    The body of water, such as a creek, stream, river, or ocean, that stormwater flows into.


    Natural water that results from rain or snow.


    The areas in which stormwater will land and drain down to the point where it is released into a water body.