Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan
In 2017, Council amended Port Moody’s Official Community Plan (OCP) to include the Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, Section 15.3.1), which outlines a new vision for this neighbourhood: a transit-oriented, pedestrian-friendly, and bike-friendly community that has a range of housing forms and types in close proximity to shops, amenities, and public transit. After extensive consultation with members of the community, the new Plan includes opportunities for a variety of land uses, including high-rise residential, high-rise mixed use, low-rise residential, and park space.
On March 27, 2018, Council approved funding for a transportation analysis of the OCP amendment for this neighbourhood. Working with the City of Coquitlam, the City of Port Moody completed the Coronation Park Transportation Study which includes a recommended road network with new neighbourhood access points. On May 28, 2019, Council approved the Coronation Park Transportation Study and a corporate policy on Coronation Park Development Application Requirements to help guide future development of this neighbourhood.
- Read an overview of the Coronation Park Transportation Study in the agenda package (PDF, item 9.3, pg 625) for the June 25, 2019 Regular Council Meeting.
- View the Coronation Park Transportation Study presentation (PDF) to Council.
In March 2020 Wesgroup Properties submitted a pre-application to the City with respect to an Official Community Plan amendment application. A pre-application is intended to provide initial review of a tentative proposal by staff and Council in order to provide guidance to the developer for the preparation of a formal application.
At the May 19, 2020, Committee of the Whole meeting, Wesgroup Properties presented their preliminary plans for redevelopment of most of the area west of Balmoral Drive and south of Guildford Drive. Council provided comments and suggestions to Wesgroup Properties in response to their tentative proposal. You can read the staff report and also watch a video of the staff and applicant presentation and following Council discussion, which is Item 6.3 on the agenda of the May 19, 2020 meeting.
In July 2020 Wesgroup Properties made an Official Community Plan amendment application. Information on this OCP amendment application can be found on this Engage Port Moody project page.
In November 2020, the Community Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) reviewed the OCP amendment application.
- Read the staff report and attachments (item 4.1)
- Read the CPAC meeting minutes (PDF, item 4.1)
In January 2021 Council passed first reading for this OCP amendment application. The Council meeting was continued over two dates.
- Read the staff report and attachments (item 9.1).
- Read the Council Meeting minutes: January 26, 2021 (PDF, item 9.1); January 29, 2021 (PDF, item 2.1)
- Watch video of the Council Meetings: January 26, 2021 (item 9.1); January 29, 2021 (item 2.1)
In November 2021 Council postponed second reading for this OCP amendment application.
- Watch the video of the Council Meeting (item 9.2)
In December 2021 Council rescinded their November 2021 resolution to postpone second reading, and instead gave second reading to the OCP amendment bylaw, and referred the application to public hearing once follow up was completed on a number of identified items.
- Read the December 3, 2021 report to Council from Mayor Rob Vagramov (page 20-21, PDF)
- Watch the video of the Council Meeting (item 6.3, on table addition to the agenda, starts at 1:57:50)
In March 2022 staff presented a revised version of Bylaw No. 3285 for Council consideration based on Council’s November 2021 resolutions. After deliberation, Council resolved that it preferred the version of Bylaw No. 3285 given second reading in December 2021 and not the proposed revised version. Bylaw No. 3285, as given second reading on December 7, 2021, was the subject of the public hearing.
- Watch the video of the Council Meeting (item 4.3)
On April 26, 2022, a public hearing was held, following which City Council gave third reading to and adopted OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 3285. Council additionally passed a motion requiring that the applicant adhere to the new Inclusionary Zoning - Affordable Rental Units policy as a condition of rezoning, which is the next step in the development application process for this proposal.
- Watch the video of the public hearing (item 1.3)
- Watch the video of the Council meeting held directly after the public hearing (item 3.3)
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this development application. The public input period has concluded.