Vision and guiding principles

The Draft Trail Network Plan was developed after a review of the trail network's current state, best management practices, challenges and opportunities, and engagement with local organizations and residents of Port Moody.


The following vision, which aims to capture the essential elements of Port Moody's ideal future trail network, was developed after consultation with the community and City staff:

"Port Moody’s trail network provides residents and visitors with recreational opportunities and connections to enjoy Port Moody’s natural areas and community spaces through active transportation."

The plan also sets guiding principles that Port Moody Council and City staff will follow as they prioritize enhancements and manage trails over the next 30 years.

The implementation of this plan will help to achieve a trail system that:

  • benefits our community through active recreation and connection with nature;
  • is accessible to all users across the city;
  • integrates with the active transportation network to facilitate travel and reduce dependence on cars;
  • is easy to navigate with adequate wayfinding and connections between neighborhoods and community amenities; and
  • encourages community stewardship of natural areas through partnerships, programs, and events.


There are four overarching goals, each with supporting actions:

  1. Goal 1: provide a high-quality experience to a variety of trail users
    • actions under this goal focus on improving user experience and trail amenities
  2. Goal 2: connect the community to provide recreation and active transportation opportunities for all
    • actions under this goal focus on expanding and connecting the trail network to provide more and better opportunities for Port Moody residents and visitors to access trails, and on maintenance and improvements to provide a high-quality experience for trail users
  3. Goal 3: protect culturally and environmentally sensitive areas and resources
    • actions under this goal focus on supporting reconciliation with local First Nations, protecting environmentally sensitive areas, and promoting public art along trails
  4. Goal 4: encourage and support stewardship of Port Moody’s trails and the environmentally sensitive areas they travel through
    • actions under this goal focus on furthering stewardship programs and partnerships to improve trail maintenance and access
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