112 Moray Street - OCP amendment and Heritage Revitalization Agreement

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Application HRA00006
Location: 112 Moray Street

We would like your feedback on an OCP amendment and Heritage Revitalization Agreement application at 112 Moray Street. The applicant would like to restore the Nielsen Residence and develop 28 townhouse units in four buildings.

This proposal includes:

  • 5 buildings – townhouse units, and stacked townhouses, with proposed work-live units
  • Up to 6 storeys
  • A gross Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.27
  • 59 vehicle parking spaces, 23 bicycle storage spaces

How can you provide your input?

Public input on this project is currently on hold pending the applicant’s next steps in the review process. Once the application is ready to proceed we will reopen the Comment Card for more public input on the proposed development.

Questions for City planning staff can be emailed to planning@portmoody.ca.

Application HRA00006
Location: 112 Moray Street

We would like your feedback on an OCP amendment and Heritage Revitalization Agreement application at 112 Moray Street. The applicant would like to restore the Nielsen Residence and develop 28 townhouse units in four buildings.

This proposal includes:

  • 5 buildings – townhouse units, and stacked townhouses, with proposed work-live units
  • Up to 6 storeys
  • A gross Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.27
  • 59 vehicle parking spaces, 23 bicycle storage spaces

How can you provide your input?

Public input on this project is currently on hold pending the applicant’s next steps in the review process. Once the application is ready to proceed we will reopen the Comment Card for more public input on the proposed development.

Questions for City planning staff can be emailed to planning@portmoody.ca.

Page last updated: 29 Nov 2024, 09:28 AM