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Rocky Point and Old Orchard Parks Master Plans

Rocky Point and Old Orchard Parks Master Plans Phase 3

This survey will take approximately 5 to 15 minutes to complete. City staff will compile feedback for anonymous inclusion in a report to Council, which will be accessible to the public. 

During Phase 2 engagement, we asked for feedback on three draft design concepts for Rocky Point Park and one draft design concept for Old Orchard Park. Participants’ input was considered – along with technical information and advice provided by subject-matter experts – during the development of recommended design concepts. 

In Phase 3, we’re asking for your feedback on one recommended design concept for Rocky Point Park and one for Old Orchard Park. 

Please note:

  • at this stage in our engagement process, we’re asking for feedback on each design concept as a whole rather than on specific elements; 
  • the Rocky Point Park Master Plan project is focused on the City-owned land contained within the park’s current boundaries; and
  • traffic and transportation are outside the scope of both master plan projects. 

Your input is extremely valuable and we thank you in advance for your time.