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Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this development application. The public input period has concluded.
Please note: The Westport Village development application was received prior to the launch of this online engagement portal. Previous feedback on this proposed development was collected through the City's legislated public input process, which includes email and public input at Council meetings and a Public Hearing.
We have posted this significant development application to Engage Port Moody to provide the public with a consolidated source for information. See the Application Documents, and City Reports and Policies sections for links to current information.
Application #6700-20-141 Location: 2120 Vintner St & 2110-2136 Clarke St Developer website:
The applicant would like to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) to designate the Westport Village lands as Mixed Use – Westport Village and provide a policy framework for development of the site; and to amend the Zoning Bylaw to establish a Comprehensive Development 77 (CD77) zone. This would change the OCP’s land use designation for the winery site from “General Industrial” to “Mixed Use – Moody Centre” and to rezone the winery property and the adjacent lots at 2110-2136 Clarke Street to a new Comprehensive Development Zone to allow for the development of a high-density mixed-use project.
The land uses and floor area densities in the proposed new CD77 zone include:
Apartment and Townhouse – Market Rental, 15,640 m2
Apartment and Townhouse, 16,392 m2
Artist Studio, 660 m2
Assembly – Art Centre, 1,320 m2
Commercial Athletic and Recreation, 938 m2
Child Care, 325 m2
Common Amenity Space (indoor) for Apartment and Townhouse, including Market Rental, 418 m2
Hotel, 3,842 m2
Light Industrial, 4,045 m2
Office, 4,931 m2
Personal Service – Medical Clinic, 4,219 m2
Seniors Residential, 6,966 m2
Seniors Common Amenity Space (indoor), 1,365 m2
All Other Uses Combined, 6,439 m2
Total – Maximum, 67,500 m2
Next Steps
On July 25, 2023 the rezoning Bylaw and OCP amendment Bylaws were adopted, and Development Permit issued for this project. The proposal will move forward with the next phase, which includes building permits and servicing agreements.
Please note: The Westport Village development application was received prior to the launch of this online engagement portal. Previous feedback on this proposed development was collected through the City's legislated public input process, which includes email and public input at Council meetings and a Public Hearing.
We have posted this significant development application to Engage Port Moody to provide the public with a consolidated source for information. See the Application Documents, and City Reports and Policies sections for links to current information.
Application #6700-20-141 Location: 2120 Vintner St & 2110-2136 Clarke St Developer website:
The applicant would like to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) to designate the Westport Village lands as Mixed Use – Westport Village and provide a policy framework for development of the site; and to amend the Zoning Bylaw to establish a Comprehensive Development 77 (CD77) zone. This would change the OCP’s land use designation for the winery site from “General Industrial” to “Mixed Use – Moody Centre” and to rezone the winery property and the adjacent lots at 2110-2136 Clarke Street to a new Comprehensive Development Zone to allow for the development of a high-density mixed-use project.
The land uses and floor area densities in the proposed new CD77 zone include:
Apartment and Townhouse – Market Rental, 15,640 m2
Apartment and Townhouse, 16,392 m2
Artist Studio, 660 m2
Assembly – Art Centre, 1,320 m2
Commercial Athletic and Recreation, 938 m2
Child Care, 325 m2
Common Amenity Space (indoor) for Apartment and Townhouse, including Market Rental, 418 m2
Hotel, 3,842 m2
Light Industrial, 4,045 m2
Office, 4,931 m2
Personal Service – Medical Clinic, 4,219 m2
Seniors Residential, 6,966 m2
Seniors Common Amenity Space (indoor), 1,365 m2
All Other Uses Combined, 6,439 m2
Total – Maximum, 67,500 m2
Next Steps
On July 25, 2023 the rezoning Bylaw and OCP amendment Bylaws were adopted, and Development Permit issued for this project. The proposal will move forward with the next phase, which includes building permits and servicing agreements.